1. Glossary



Understanding what we are talking about, and sharing the same langage is the first basis of a collaboration project ! In the current page, we are defining some words and concepts that are used everywhere in the OMEDIS standard.


In OMEDIS Standard, the word PRODUCT is refering to a generic product, that can refer to many different versions like size, color etc.

Lets consider the "Apple IPHONE 15" product, that exists in different colors (white, blue...), and with different Capacity (8 Go, 16 Go ..).
In that exemple,
- "IPHONE 15" is what we call the PRODUCT
- "IPHONE 15 White 16 Go" is what we call one VARIANT of the "IPHONE 15" PRODUCT


A VARIANT refers to a specific version or model of a PRODUCT that is slightly different from other versions offered by the same manufacturer.
These differences can include variations in features, specifications, colors, sizes, or any other ATTRIBUTE that distinguish one variant from another.

"IPHONE 15 White 16 Go" is what we call one VARIANT of the "IPHONE 15" PRODUCT


An ATTRIBUTE is one specific data, that is part of the definition of a PRODUCT or VARIANT.

Category, Brand, Retail price, Weight, Color are exemple of ATTRIBUTES.

We will call "attribute name" the word that identify the attribute ("brand" is an ATTRIBUTE name)
We will call "attribute value" the specific value for an product attribute ("Apple" is an ATTRIBUTE value for the "IPHONE" Product)

There are two types of ATTRIBUTES :
- "Standard attributes" that are used to describe a product (ex. brand, category ...)
- "Variant attributes" that are used to qualify the specificity of one VARIANT (ex. size, color)
In OMEDIS standard, the convention is to prefix any "Variant attributes" by "var-" keyword. So "var-color" is a variant attributes used to qualify the color of one version of product.

"White", "16 Go" are variant ATTRIBUTE values defining the "IPHONE 15 White 16 Go" VARIANT
"Apple" is an standard ATTRIBUTE value defining the "IPHONE 15" PRODUCT

Gerenal philosophy

Splitting is the key

Since data will be handled by algorithms, and used in diverse applications, pieces of information have to be separated and clearly identified, so that each application can use data as wanted.

Lets take the exemple of one product name : "Duotone SuperHero HD blue 4.7 2025 Sail"

One may consider :
Name : Duotone SuperHero blue HD 2025
Category : Sail
Size : 4.7
Best practice is to consider :
Brand : Duotone
Name : SuperHero HD
Color : blue
Season : 2025
Category : Sail
Size : 4.7


In OMEDIS Standard, the word UNIT is refering to the unit of mesurement corresponding to an attribute.
If an attribute doesn't have any unit (ex. EAN Code), the value will be "none"

The unit for "weight" attribute is "kg"
If we have to set a value of 2.56, this is corresponding to 2.56kg


When exchanging data between partners, using the same conventions is a key point. One main convention is about formatting the data.
Each attribute is defined by a DATATYPE, and this DATATYPE is fixing the format of data.

The DATATYPE for "weight" attribute is "float"
"float" is defined as a numeric value with maximum 4 digits decimal part.
Decimal separator has to be a dot: ".", no thousand separator.
Ex. "123456.45" ("123,12" or "1 2547.658774" will not be valid)